Welcome to Helping Haven Gateway

Click to go to Second Life Account Registration
The website for Helping Haven Gateway within Second Life virtual world.
Welcome to Helping Haven, we are happy to have you and hope that enjoy your stay. What is Helping Haven? Perhaps you are asking that question and that is what this little blurb is about.
Helping Haven is made up of a group of over a hundred individuals that have come forward to volunteer and assist the new and older residents of Second Life. What that means for you, is that no matter how long a period you have been in Second Life, we are always here to help you as you journey through this 3D Virtual World that many of us call our Second Home.
Virtual reality is a computer created environment much like a video game.Participants are represented by "avatars" who symbolize the people at their controls. Whether it be walking, fashioning your avatar, talking, flying, graphic/technical issues or interacting with objects, the volunteers at Helping Haven embrace the chance to give you the proper platform and education needed for a seamless and hopefully bump free experience.
To make your first steps easier, we engaged in a partnership with Linden Labs, the company that runs Second Life. As part of that cooperation, you will be able to create a Second Life account by clicking on the above picture. This will then help you with the Second Life account registration process. Plus when you first enter the world using our Second Life sign up offer you will automatically land on Helping Haven Gateway where you find help for your first steps in this new virtual experience.
We look forward to getting to know you and hope you will return with your friends in the future.
See you soon in world,
Lily, Aullere, Notfragile and Charles.
This website will be a work in progress with many new additions in the future so please do pop back and visit again.
The Volunteer's Creed:
....To laugh often and love much;
....to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children;
....to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends;
....to appreciate beauty;
....to find the best in others;
....to give of one's self;
....to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
....to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;
....to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded.